Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
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Five Group is a consulting company that is in place to be a liasion to Said Company. Distribution,Marketing and Promotions,Publicity and Video Distribution. GMG will introduce Said Company to each one of the 4 reptable companies and help Stucture Said Company to facilitate on a Day to Day basis. GMG will also teach and train 3 THREE Staff Members of Said company to operate in a proficient manner. These 3 will work hand in hand with all 4 companies and report to Said Company Ceo.
Pressing and Distribution consist of a 70% Split going to Said Company and 30% goes to Distribution Company.Distribution Company will supply National and Overseas placement to Retail stores. Retail Marketing to Wholesalers,One Stops,and Sudistributors.
Marketing and Promotions consist of Street Promotions, Radio, TV, Internet. and settlelite.
Publicity will produce Trade Magazines.Newspapers, personal and promotional appearances.
Video Distribution will control videoplay with National and Local Video shows. interviews and promotional appearances
Said Company will pay a sum of 13,000.00 THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARDS to GMG to facilitate a Sign contract with each company above. GMG will be paid in advance through an escrow company. which will be control by a mediator. GMG has 1 month from the day of receiving sum in total to 30 business days to make the deal closed. If not, Said Company has option of giving more time to GMG or cese and desist of working together.
Read more: http://www.myspace.com/rodneygee1#ixzz0tjOd98Jr
Pressing and Distribution consist of a 70% Split going to Said Company and 30% goes to Distribution Company.Distribution Company will supply National and Overseas placement to Retail stores. Retail Marketing to Wholesalers,One Stops,and Sudistributors.
Marketing and Promotions consist of Street Promotions, Radio, TV, Internet. and settlelite.
Publicity will produce Trade Magazines.Newspapers, personal and promotional appearances.
Video Distribution will control videoplay with National and Local Video shows. interviews and promotional appearances
Said Company will pay a sum of 13,000.00 THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARDS to GMG to facilitate a Sign contract with each company above. GMG will be paid in advance through an escrow company. which will be control by a mediator. GMG has 1 month from the day of receiving sum in total to 30 business days to make the deal closed. If not, Said Company has option of giving more time to GMG or cese and desist of working together.
Read more: http://www.myspace.com/rodneygee1#ixzz0tjOd98Jr
Dear Potential Sponsor,
G Five music group, a Promotions company representing your company's, is pleased to introduce your companies Calendar of Events. We invite you to become a sponsor, which will entitle you to an array of unique opportunities to participate in various aspects of the events. Your company can participate at various levels of sponsorship, with attractive benefits at each level. Your company may sponsor specific event particulars, be included in event advertisement, event publication and have the opportunity for an enormous amount of publicity. Organized concerts (music or comedy) and car shows offer a bonanza of sponsorship opportunities. Talk with any show organizer, and they’ll be more than happy to explain the various ways to ensure your company’s name and logo are plastered all over the arenas, on the program guides, over the hospitality suites, radio, television and printed media promotions. We estimate that the events themselves will include thousands of unique spectators from all around the Virgin Island area and International tourists alike. Demographically, you can expect approximately 80 percent of the spectators to be between the ages of 21 and 35. We believe our sponsors will reap benefits from, among other things, event naming rights, direct marketing, and hospitality. These form the cornerstone of the sponsorship levels. We also stand ready to customize a package of sponsorship features with a price that allows you to compete effectively for the business of the attendees at these events.To add your business to our team of fine sponsors or to become an exclusive sponsor for any event, please contact myself at the phone number or e-mail address below. I would more than happy to discuss in detail the sponsorship opportunities that we have available.
5 Communication Tips For A Company In Crisis
David G. Kinney knows what to do when a company is in crisis. He learned first-hand what can happen to a company that is peripherally involved in a legal proceeding and not even charged with a crime. In fact, David G. Kinney and his company never did anything illegal or unethical.
Still, that company was prevented from attracting capital or strategic partners while the government prosecuted the investor in the company and David G. Kinney became the subject of unwarranted slander and libel. The company fell prey to a self-serving attorney but money, time, and David G. Kinneys reputation could have been saved had a better communication strategy been implemented with employees and other stakeholders.
When the crisis occurred, David G. Kinneys focus was on being truthful and forthright. He didnt realize the state of mind of employees about to lose their jobs. The old saying is true: In the absence of information, people make up their own. While it can be very difficult to satisfy all employees, a strategic communication plan keeps employees well informed and minimizes rumors and hearsay.
Here are five tips David G. Kinney recommends to help prevent a communication crisis:
Plan Ahead: It is critical to create organizational structure, processes, and procedures before a crisis hits. I start by asking every client the three most important words in business: Whats the goal? says David G. Kinney. I transform the goal into a corporate vision and focus on effectively communicating that vision throughout the organization. Beyond the corporate vision, we need to develop, implement, and continuously improve a comprehensive crisis communication plan. Things go wrong. Its just a fact of life. The key is preparation.
Maintain Dialogue: David G. Kinney teaches his clients to maintain open and honest dialogue with all employees and other stakeholders about company goals, operations, and challenges. When employees are regularly informed of a companys goals, they will be used to hearing both positive and negative company news, which will improve the communication process and create a sense of unity should disaster strike, said David G. Kinney.
Stay Engaged: Internal crisis communication should take place before external communications with media and other sources. We immediately held a meeting and told the entire company about a crisis that had completely caught us off guard, said David G. Kinney. As bad as it was, over half the employees came to work knowing we couldnt pay them to help us save the company. Unfortunately, it was too late. Rumors within the company spread like wildfire. Again, perception is reality. Faster, more strategic and contained communications with employees is integral to successfully responding to a crisis from an internal perspective.
Avoid Uncertainty: Employees need to be frequently updated on the ever-changing events during a crisis. This builds trust and morale, and enables employees to provide feedback as well. Although my communication strategy addressed employees questions and concerns on a regular basis, and my goal was to foster a culture of complete transparency, I realize now that I needed to better control the communications of employees who had their own agenda, said David G. Kinney.
Maintain Consistency: Another important aspect of communication in a crisis is to have one spokesperson to relay information to both insiders and outsiders. Consistent communication from one person builds trust and shows there is nothing to hide, said David G. Kinney. Stay on message, remain consistent in all communication, and respond quickly to negative press.
David G. Kinney teaches his clients how to be more proactive, how to develop a sound plan, and how to successfully manage any crisis. Since secretsor perceived secretsbreed misinformation, David G. Kinney believes in forthright communication, both in good times and in crisis, to all stakeholders. Whether on a large or small scale, crises will happen. How an organization responds to a crisis by maintaining strategic communications every step of the way can put the company back on track.
Still, that company was prevented from attracting capital or strategic partners while the government prosecuted the investor in the company and David G. Kinney became the subject of unwarranted slander and libel. The company fell prey to a self-serving attorney but money, time, and David G. Kinneys reputation could have been saved had a better communication strategy been implemented with employees and other stakeholders.
When the crisis occurred, David G. Kinneys focus was on being truthful and forthright. He didnt realize the state of mind of employees about to lose their jobs. The old saying is true: In the absence of information, people make up their own. While it can be very difficult to satisfy all employees, a strategic communication plan keeps employees well informed and minimizes rumors and hearsay.
Here are five tips David G. Kinney recommends to help prevent a communication crisis:
Plan Ahead: It is critical to create organizational structure, processes, and procedures before a crisis hits. I start by asking every client the three most important words in business: Whats the goal? says David G. Kinney. I transform the goal into a corporate vision and focus on effectively communicating that vision throughout the organization. Beyond the corporate vision, we need to develop, implement, and continuously improve a comprehensive crisis communication plan. Things go wrong. Its just a fact of life. The key is preparation.
Maintain Dialogue: David G. Kinney teaches his clients to maintain open and honest dialogue with all employees and other stakeholders about company goals, operations, and challenges. When employees are regularly informed of a companys goals, they will be used to hearing both positive and negative company news, which will improve the communication process and create a sense of unity should disaster strike, said David G. Kinney.
Stay Engaged: Internal crisis communication should take place before external communications with media and other sources. We immediately held a meeting and told the entire company about a crisis that had completely caught us off guard, said David G. Kinney. As bad as it was, over half the employees came to work knowing we couldnt pay them to help us save the company. Unfortunately, it was too late. Rumors within the company spread like wildfire. Again, perception is reality. Faster, more strategic and contained communications with employees is integral to successfully responding to a crisis from an internal perspective.
Avoid Uncertainty: Employees need to be frequently updated on the ever-changing events during a crisis. This builds trust and morale, and enables employees to provide feedback as well. Although my communication strategy addressed employees questions and concerns on a regular basis, and my goal was to foster a culture of complete transparency, I realize now that I needed to better control the communications of employees who had their own agenda, said David G. Kinney.
Maintain Consistency: Another important aspect of communication in a crisis is to have one spokesperson to relay information to both insiders and outsiders. Consistent communication from one person builds trust and shows there is nothing to hide, said David G. Kinney. Stay on message, remain consistent in all communication, and respond quickly to negative press.
David G. Kinney teaches his clients how to be more proactive, how to develop a sound plan, and how to successfully manage any crisis. Since secretsor perceived secretsbreed misinformation, David G. Kinney believes in forthright communication, both in good times and in crisis, to all stakeholders. Whether on a large or small scale, crises will happen. How an organization responds to a crisis by maintaining strategic communications every step of the way can put the company back on track.
I wonder why all these facts didn't come to light while Halliburton was President...maybe they didn't want us to know that the Iraq war was an ongoing battle since WWI to obtain a market share in Iraqi oil production. I feel terrible for our soldiers who were used and abused in Iraq all for the dumbest reason ever to die...money. And yes, I am good friends with many Iraqi vets. Most of them knew the war was about oil from the beginning, but they went anyway because they wanted to make a difference in how the war was handled. If you think America is "falling apart" because of Obama, think again. Its because Bush TRIED AND FAILED to acheive a strategic outpost for American industry in a country that ISN'T OURS. Its no wonder they didn't let us get any oil contracts, WE INVADED THEIR COUNTRY TWICE FOR THE SAME REASON! WAKE UP IDIOTS! Its not a matter of PRIDE! BUSH RUINED EVERYTHING! STOP BLAMING OBAMA! Noone is asking you to say you were wrong, just stop blaming the person who has only been President for a year for problems that were exacerbated during the last administration, and started during the first Bush administration. The only good Republicans in the last 50 years were Eisenhower and Reagan...at least they didn't LIE! Also, Eisenhower was the most socialist President we have ever had, he even admitted it in not so few words
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MSN Money's editorial goal is to provide a forum for personal finance and investment ideas. Our articles, columns, message board posts and other features should not be construed as investment advice, nor does their appearance imply an endorsement by Microsoft of any specific security or trading strategy. An investor's best course of action must be based on individual circumstances.
Bigger than Big Oil
The world's largest oil companies
In 2007, according to Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, 70% of world oil production was controlled by national oil companies. Exxon Mobil, the biggest of the international majors, produced 3% of the world's oil. Three national oil companies exceeded Exxon Mobil's production: Saudi Aramco (12% of global production), National Iranian Oil (5%) and Pemex, the Mexican national oil company (4%).
Access to the world's oil reserves is even more concentrated in the hands of national oil companies. International oil companies had full access to just 6% of the world's oil reserves in 2008, according to PF Energy. An additional 10% were controlled by national oil companies that provided limited equity ownership to the international majors. Russian oil companies, which sometimes had international partners, controlled 6%. The remaining 78% of reserves were controlled by national oil companies that did not allow or severely limited equity stakes by the international majors.
Second, the terms of the Iraqi auctions made them, by and large, unattractive to international majors but not to national oil companies. The auction results show how different the motives are that are driving these two parts of the global oil industry.
If you are an international investor-owned oil company, the terms of the Iraqi auction were close to punitive.
The Iraqis set production targets that the winning companies had to meet or exceed. (Now, remember, we're talking about a nation whose oil industry faced horrendous difficulties in reaching relatively low prewar production levels because of violence against oil workers and attacks on oil industry infrastructure.)
If a company promised to exceed the government's target for production, that gave its bid an edge. A big edge if it promised to exceed the target by a lot. So, for example, Royal Dutch Shell's winning bid for the giant Majnoon field promised to deliver not only the government's production target of 700,000 barrels a day but a massive 1.8 million barrels a day. That's 1.1 million above the government's target.
And then the Iraqis set terms on these deals that weren't going to shower the winners with dollars.
Oil development and production contracts come in many flavors. Among the most common is called production sharing. In these contracts, the oil company that puts up the capital and does the work required to develop the field gets a share of the oil produced by the field.
From the company's point of view, this has the advantage of letting the oil company share in any increase in oil prices. A company's share of production when oil is $40 a barrel is more valuable when oil rises to $60 a barrel. A production-sharing deal gives the oil company a way to participate in the rising price of oil.
Of course, production-sharing deals give the oil company a share of the price appreciation of oil that many oil-owning nations think rightfully belongs to them. And production-sharing agreements are declining as a percentage of all oil-development deals.
So it's not surprising that the Iraqi auction didn't include any production-sharing language. The terms call for a straight fee to go to the oil company per barrel produced. If oil prices double, all that gain goes to Iraq
In 2007, according to Petroleum Intelligence Weekly, 70% of world oil production was controlled by national oil companies. Exxon Mobil, the biggest of the international majors, produced 3% of the world's oil. Three national oil companies exceeded Exxon Mobil's production: Saudi Aramco (12% of global production), National Iranian Oil (5%) and Pemex, the Mexican national oil company (4%).
Access to the world's oil reserves is even more concentrated in the hands of national oil companies. International oil companies had full access to just 6% of the world's oil reserves in 2008, according to PF Energy. An additional 10% were controlled by national oil companies that provided limited equity ownership to the international majors. Russian oil companies, which sometimes had international partners, controlled 6%. The remaining 78% of reserves were controlled by national oil companies that did not allow or severely limited equity stakes by the international majors.
Second, the terms of the Iraqi auctions made them, by and large, unattractive to international majors but not to national oil companies. The auction results show how different the motives are that are driving these two parts of the global oil industry.
If you are an international investor-owned oil company, the terms of the Iraqi auction were close to punitive.
The Iraqis set production targets that the winning companies had to meet or exceed. (Now, remember, we're talking about a nation whose oil industry faced horrendous difficulties in reaching relatively low prewar production levels because of violence against oil workers and attacks on oil industry infrastructure.)
If a company promised to exceed the government's target for production, that gave its bid an edge. A big edge if it promised to exceed the target by a lot. So, for example, Royal Dutch Shell's winning bid for the giant Majnoon field promised to deliver not only the government's production target of 700,000 barrels a day but a massive 1.8 million barrels a day. That's 1.1 million above the government's target.
And then the Iraqis set terms on these deals that weren't going to shower the winners with dollars.
Oil development and production contracts come in many flavors. Among the most common is called production sharing. In these contracts, the oil company that puts up the capital and does the work required to develop the field gets a share of the oil produced by the field.
From the company's point of view, this has the advantage of letting the oil company share in any increase in oil prices. A company's share of production when oil is $40 a barrel is more valuable when oil rises to $60 a barrel. A production-sharing deal gives the oil company a way to participate in the rising price of oil.
Of course, production-sharing deals give the oil company a share of the price appreciation of oil that many oil-owning nations think rightfully belongs to them. And production-sharing agreements are declining as a percentage of all oil-development deals.
So it's not surprising that the Iraqi auction didn't include any production-sharing language. The terms call for a straight fee to go to the oil company per barrel produced. If oil prices double, all that gain goes to Iraq
How Iraq is squeezing out Big Oil
The list of winners is dominated by national oil companies. The international majors that once dominated the global oil industry are, by and large, absent.
That's quite a different story than in the 1920s, when Iraq was ruled by the United Kingdom under a League of Nations mandate. Then, after the discovery of huge reserves in 1927, oil production was monopolized by Iraq Petroleum, which was owned jointly by the predecessors to BP, Total, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil and a consortium of other U.S. oil companies. The Iraqi government, which had been promised a 20% share of the company in the San Remo Conference after World War I, was frozen out.
Given that history, it shouldn't be surprising that in the early 1960s, Public Law 80 appropriated more than 90% of the assets of Iraq Petroleum for the country. The nationalization of Iraq's oil industry was completed in 1966 with the formation of Iraq National Oil.
That's quite a different story than in the 1920s, when Iraq was ruled by the United Kingdom under a League of Nations mandate. Then, after the discovery of huge reserves in 1927, oil production was monopolized by Iraq Petroleum, which was owned jointly by the predecessors to BP, Total, Royal Dutch Shell, Exxon Mobil and a consortium of other U.S. oil companies. The Iraqi government, which had been promised a 20% share of the company in the San Remo Conference after World War I, was frozen out.
Given that history, it shouldn't be surprising that in the early 1960s, Public Law 80 appropriated more than 90% of the assets of Iraq Petroleum for the country. The nationalization of Iraq's oil industry was completed in 1966 with the formation of Iraq National Oil.
Learning Objective
The case has been designed to be taught in the third module of the EC course "Competing Through Business Models." It allows a rich discussion of competitive interaction between players with different business models (Betfair vs. Bookmakers) and players with similar business models (Betfair vs. Flutter). The case illustrates the power of business models that exploit the indirect network effects present in platform industries
Risk is the major drawback with Business Process Outsourcing. Outsourcing of an Information System, for example, can cause security risks both from a communication and from a privacy perspective. For example, security of North American or European company data is more difficult to maintain when accessed or controlled in the Sub-Continent. From a knowledge perspective, a changing attitude in employees, underestimation of running costs and the major risk of losing independence, outsourcing leads to a different relationship between an organization and its contractor.[14][15]
Risks and threats of outsourcing must therefore be managed, to achieve any benefits. In order to manage outsourcing in a structured way, maximizing positive outcome, and minimizing risks and avoiding any threats, a Business Continuity Management (BCM) model is setup. BCM consists of a set of steps, to successfully identify, manage and control the business processes that are, or can be outsourced.[16]
Another framework, more focused on the identification process of potential outsourceable Information Systems, identified as AHP, is explained.[17]
L. Willcocks, M. Lacity and G. Fitzgerald identify several contracting problems companies face, ranging from unclear contract formatting, to a lack of understanding of technical IT- processes
Risks and threats of outsourcing must therefore be managed, to achieve any benefits. In order to manage outsourcing in a structured way, maximizing positive outcome, and minimizing risks and avoiding any threats, a Business Continuity Management (BCM) model is setup. BCM consists of a set of steps, to successfully identify, manage and control the business processes that are, or can be outsourced.[16]
Another framework, more focused on the identification process of potential outsourceable Information Systems, identified as AHP, is explained.[17]
L. Willcocks, M. Lacity and G. Fitzgerald identify several contracting problems companies face, ranging from unclear contract formatting, to a lack of understanding of technical IT- processes
BPO Benefits and Limitations
An advantage of BPO is the way in which it helps to increase a company’s flexibility. However, several sources [which?] have different ways in which they perceive organizational flexibility. Therefore business process outsourcing enhances the flexibility of an organization in different ways.
Most services provided by BPO vendors are offered on a fee-for-service basis [citation needed]. This can help a company becoming more flexible by transforming fixed into variable costs.[4] A variable cost structure helps a company responding to changes in required capacity and does not require a company to invest in assets, thereby making the company more flexible.[5] Outsourcing may provide a firm with increased flexibility in its resource management and may reduce response times to major environmental changes [citation needed].
Another way in which BPO contributes to a company’s flexibility is that a company is able to focus on its core competencies, without being burdened by the demands of bureaucratic restraints.[6] Key employees are herewith released from performing non-core or administrative processes and can invest more time and energy in building the firm’s core businesses.[7] The key lies in knowing which of the main value drivers to focus on – customer intimacy, product leadership, or operational excellence. Focusing more on one of these drivers may help a company create a competitive edge.[8]
A third way in which BPO increases organizational flexibility is by increasing the speed of business processes. Using techniques such as linear programming can reduce cycle time and inventory levels, which can increase efficiency and cut costs[citation needed]. Supply chain management with the effective use of supply chain partners and business process outsourcing increases the speed of several business processes, such as the throughput in the case of a manufacturing company.[9]
Finally, flexibility is seen [who?]as a stage in the organizational life cycle. BPO helped to transform Nortel from a bureaucratic organization into a very agile competitor[citation needed]. A company can maintain growth goals while avoiding standard business bottlenecks.[10] BPO therefore allows firms to retain their entrepreneurial speed and agility, which they would otherwise sacrifice in order to become efficient as they expanded. It avoids a premature internal transition from its informal entrepreneurial phase to a more bureaucratic mode of operation.[11]
A company may be able to grow at a faster pace as it will be less constrained by large capital expenditures for people or equipment that may take years to amortize, may become outdated or turn out to be a poor match for the company over time.
Although the above-mentioned arguments favor the view that BPO increases the flexibility of organizations, management needs to be careful with the implementation of it as there are a issues, which work against these advantages. Among problems, which arise in practice are: A failure to meet service levels, unclear contractual issues, changing requirements and unforeseen charges, and a dependence on the BPO which reduces flexibility. Consequently, these challenges need to be considered before a company decides to engage in business process outsourcing[12]
A further issue is that in many cases there is little that differentiates the BPO providers other than size. They often provide similar services, have similar geographic footprints, leverage similar technology stacks, and have similar Quality Improvement approaches
Most services provided by BPO vendors are offered on a fee-for-service basis [citation needed]. This can help a company becoming more flexible by transforming fixed into variable costs.[4] A variable cost structure helps a company responding to changes in required capacity and does not require a company to invest in assets, thereby making the company more flexible.[5] Outsourcing may provide a firm with increased flexibility in its resource management and may reduce response times to major environmental changes [citation needed].
Another way in which BPO contributes to a company’s flexibility is that a company is able to focus on its core competencies, without being burdened by the demands of bureaucratic restraints.[6] Key employees are herewith released from performing non-core or administrative processes and can invest more time and energy in building the firm’s core businesses.[7] The key lies in knowing which of the main value drivers to focus on – customer intimacy, product leadership, or operational excellence. Focusing more on one of these drivers may help a company create a competitive edge.[8]
A third way in which BPO increases organizational flexibility is by increasing the speed of business processes. Using techniques such as linear programming can reduce cycle time and inventory levels, which can increase efficiency and cut costs[citation needed]. Supply chain management with the effective use of supply chain partners and business process outsourcing increases the speed of several business processes, such as the throughput in the case of a manufacturing company.[9]
Finally, flexibility is seen [who?]as a stage in the organizational life cycle. BPO helped to transform Nortel from a bureaucratic organization into a very agile competitor[citation needed]. A company can maintain growth goals while avoiding standard business bottlenecks.[10] BPO therefore allows firms to retain their entrepreneurial speed and agility, which they would otherwise sacrifice in order to become efficient as they expanded. It avoids a premature internal transition from its informal entrepreneurial phase to a more bureaucratic mode of operation.[11]
A company may be able to grow at a faster pace as it will be less constrained by large capital expenditures for people or equipment that may take years to amortize, may become outdated or turn out to be a poor match for the company over time.
Although the above-mentioned arguments favor the view that BPO increases the flexibility of organizations, management needs to be careful with the implementation of it as there are a issues, which work against these advantages. Among problems, which arise in practice are: A failure to meet service levels, unclear contractual issues, changing requirements and unforeseen charges, and a dependence on the BPO which reduces flexibility. Consequently, these challenges need to be considered before a company decides to engage in business process outsourcing[12]
A further issue is that in many cases there is little that differentiates the BPO providers other than size. They often provide similar services, have similar geographic footprints, leverage similar technology stacks, and have similar Quality Improvement approaches
Industry size
has revenues of 10.9 billion USD[2] from offshore BPO and 30 billion USD from IT and total BPO (expected in FY 2008). India thus has some 5-6% share of the total BPO Industry, but a commanding 63% share of the offshore component. This 63% is a drop from the 70% offshore share that India enjoyed last year, despite the industry growing 38% in India last year, other locations like Eastern Europe, Philippines, Morocco, Egypt and South Africa have emerged to take a share of the market[citation needed]. China is also trying to grow from a very small base in this industry. However, while the BPO industry is expected to continue to grow in India, its market share of the offshore piece is expected to decline. Important centers in India are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai and New Delhi.
The top five Indian BPO exporters for 2006-2007 according to NASSCOM are Genpact, WNS Global Services, Transworks Information Services, IBM Daksh, and TCS BPO.[3]
According to McKinsey, the global "addressable" BPO market is worth $122 – $154 billion, of which: 35-40 retail banking, 25-35 insurance, 10-12 travel/hospitality, 10-12 auto, 8-10 telecoms, 8 pharma, 10-15 others and 20-25 is finance, accounting and HR. Moreover, they estimate that 8% of that capacity was utilized as of 2006
The top five Indian BPO exporters for 2006-2007 according to NASSCOM are Genpact, WNS Global Services, Transworks Information Services, IBM Daksh, and TCS BPO.[3]
According to McKinsey, the global "addressable" BPO market is worth $122 – $154 billion, of which: 35-40 retail banking, 25-35 insurance, 10-12 travel/hospitality, 10-12 auto, 8-10 telecoms, 8 pharma, 10-15 others and 20-25 is finance, accounting and HR. Moreover, they estimate that 8% of that capacity was utilized as of 2006
Betfair vs. UK Bookmakers
Betting exchanges provide an electronic platform that allows ordinary consumers to not only back teams to win, but also to lay odds for other punters to back. This business model allows punters to cut out the middle-man of the bookmaker, and leads to a much more efficient 2-sided market. Betfair.com's domination of the betting exchange has threatened to undermine the core of the traditional bookmakers' business model. The case examines two aspects of the industry: 1. What specific choices did Be... Read More »
Business process outsourcing
Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a form of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Originally, this was associated with manufacturing firms, such as Coca Cola that outsourced large segments of its supply chain.[1]. In the contemporary context, it is primarily used to refer to the outsourcing of services.
BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing - which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing - which includes customer-related services such as contact center services.
BPO that is contracted outside a company's country is called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring (or nearby) country is called nearshore outsourcing.
Given the proximity of BPO to the information technology industry, it is also categorized as an information technology enabled service or ITES. Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) and legal process outsourcing (LPO) are some of the sub-segments of business process outsourcing industry.
BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing - which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing - which includes customer-related services such as contact center services.
BPO that is contracted outside a company's country is called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring (or nearby) country is called nearshore outsourcing.
Given the proximity of BPO to the information technology industry, it is also categorized as an information technology enabled service or ITES. Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) and legal process outsourcing (LPO) are some of the sub-segments of business process outsourcing industry.
Henri Cuinier, a French engineer formerly with Renault, invented, patented and began manufacturing G5® Massage Modalities in Marmande, France in 1957 - more than 50 years ago!
In the early 1970's, Henri Cuinier appointed Tom Muchisky, an American businessman with background in the medical equipment distribution field, to become the exclusive North American distributor for all G5® products.
In the 1980's, after Henri Cuinier's retirement, Tom Muchisky acquired world-wide distribution rights, and began production and distribution of an expanded line of G5® massagers and percussion products, with factories in St. Louis, Missouri, USA and Casteljaloux, France.
Today, with more than 100,000 G5® massage and percussion products sold worldwide, the G5® brand of products has become firmly established as part of the basic equipment of professional therapists in the fields of respiratory therapy; physical therapy; chiropractic sports medicine and spa and beauty salons throughout the world.
We welcome you to our website, and look forward to working with you to develop new and imaginative uses for our excellently-engineered line of G5® massage and percussion products
In the early 1970's, Henri Cuinier appointed Tom Muchisky, an American businessman with background in the medical equipment distribution field, to become the exclusive North American distributor for all G5® products.
In the 1980's, after Henri Cuinier's retirement, Tom Muchisky acquired world-wide distribution rights, and began production and distribution of an expanded line of G5® massagers and percussion products, with factories in St. Louis, Missouri, USA and Casteljaloux, France.
Today, with more than 100,000 G5® massage and percussion products sold worldwide, the G5® brand of products has become firmly established as part of the basic equipment of professional therapists in the fields of respiratory therapy; physical therapy; chiropractic sports medicine and spa and beauty salons throughout the world.
We welcome you to our website, and look forward to working with you to develop new and imaginative uses for our excellently-engineered line of G5® massage and percussion products
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Diamond Fact File
The weight of diamonds is measured in carats. The word comes from carob, which is a bean that grows on the Ceratonia siliqua tree. The bean has an amazingly consistent weight of 0.2g. There are five carats to a gram and about 142 carats to the ounce. • Fewer than 1,000 rough diamonds weighing more than 100 carats have ever been found. • The first ever reference to diamonds is in the Bible in Exodus xxviii.18 and xxxix.11. It mentions a diamond mounted on a priest’s breastplate. • In 1796, Smithson Tennant (1761-1815), British scientist, was the first person to show that diamonds are made of carbon. The diamond is the only gem in the world made of a single element. • Diamonds are 180 times harder than emeralds. • Diamonds melt at 6,900 c, which is two and a half times the temperature needed to melt steel. • Diamonds come from a rock called kimberlite. About 200 tonnes of kimberlite are mined for every carat of polished diamond. The largest diamond ever found is called the Cullinan after Thomas Cullinan, who was president of the famous diamond company De Beers. The stone weighed 3,106 carats (621g) and was found in South Africa in about 1905. It was presented to King Edward VII, who had it cut to make 105 separate diamonds. One of the largest of these weighs 317.4 carats and is set in the British Imperial State Crown.Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips, hints, guide and points to ponder pertaining to traveling, do please browse at our websites.
How To Analyze Your Website
Most people responsible for their company's websites have stats packages and counters to tell them how many hits, how many unique visitors, where they are coming from, what their IP addresses are, what browser they're using, and of course the all important monitor resolution. So what! Who cares? The real question is do we have an effective website?Now if you have a transactional website, commonly referred to as an e-commerce site, you know the number of sales you are generating from your site, which is important, but do you really know how effective your site is? How many orders are you losing because of bad layout, awkward design, confusing navigation, and poor copy? How many potential clients have you chased away because you haven't put a phone number on your site and an accessible real-person that can answer questions?A website is your business' public face,. Big businesses can look like mom and pop operations and mom and pop operations can look like General Motors. The design of your website should not be taken lightly, its budget should not be an afterthought, and the designer you hire should be someone who understands more than code. Your Web-designer should be a multimedia-marketing advisor, someone who can counsel you how best to deliver your marketing message, and someone who can go beyond technical issues.You can spend a lot of money and have someone analyze your site for you, but are you really going to believe him, are you really going to act on their recommendations? You can't sell somebody something they really don't want - that may sound obvious, but believe me, sales people do it everyday. If you don't think you need a new website, you aren't going to spend the money to have one built. So the best way to tell if you need one is to analyze the one you already have, yourself.Below is a set questions you can ask yourself. If you answer them honestly, you'll know whether you need a new site or not. After you've gone through the process, ask some colleagues to do the same. See if your answers compare.1. Does Your Website Have A Purpose?Every website should have a clearly defined purpose. Having a website just because everyone else has one is not an acceptable strategy. What is your website's purpose?a. Transactional sales-oriented siteb. Customer service support sitec. How to instructional sited. Product or service demonstration sitee. Lead generation sitef. Marketing, branding, positioning siteg. Promotional campaign siteh. Viral or buzz creation site2. Is Your Website Focused?Too many businesses both large and small use their website as an information junkyard, a dumping ground for everything you do, everything you've done, and everything you ever thought of doing. This won't work. Customers are like children; they want clarity, direction, and unequivocal answers. Your website should be focused on a singular function. URLs are cheap, there is no reason you can't have different websites for every major thing you do, or every marketing campaign you initiate. How focused is your website?3. How Functional Is Your Website?Everybody knows that websites should be easy to use, that you shouldn't have to drill-down too deep to find what you're looking for, and of course everything should work. Your website is a communication tool. If your website doesn't work properly, the only thing you're communicating is incompetence. How functional is your website?4. Does Your Website's Construction Balance Competing Concerns?Websites by their very nature are a compromise of competing issues. Aesthetics, multimedia, frame construction, HTML, Flash, client-side, server-side, data bases, SEO tactics, information architecture, marketing communication, transaction efficiency all compete for precedence in the design of a site. Are you sacrificing clarity, focus, and communication for SEO tricks and unattainable traffic numbers? Did you start with an IT solution like a database, and build your site around a poorly conceived information delivery system. Does your website's design reflect your sites' defined business purpose or is it a result of secondary technical concerns?5. Does your website honestly reflect your business personality?Does your website represent and promote your marketing objectives? Okay, this is a trick question for many small owner-managed businesses. Marketing is not sales. Marketing is about communicating who you are, what you do, and why you do it better than the other guy. Marketing is about image building, branding, and positioning, in other words, enhancing your business personality. Does your website honestly reflect your business personality?6. Is your Web-presentation integrated into your overall marketing plan?Too many websites bear no relation to the rest of their business' marketing initiatives. Everything your company does should reflect an over-riding ethos, point-of-view, and personality. If your marketing collaterals don't match your website presentation, you are confusing your audience. Is your Web-presentation integrated into your overall marketing plan?7. Is content king on your website?I once had a fairly large manufacturing client ask me to build a website based on a business card and ten 8x10 glossies of discontinued merchandise. This fellow was so paranoid that his competitors would see what he was doing that he hid his products from his customers. This business is now bankrupt. We've all heard the saying 'content is king'. Is content king on your website? Does your website adequately display and explain what you do, what products you sell, and what services you provide? Are there examples of your work? Are there testimonials from your customers? Have you provided information on how to order, how to use, and how to resolve problems? Is content really king on your website?8. Is your website an experience?You watch television, you listen to the radio, you read a magazine, but you experience a website. Unlike other marketing vehicles, websites provide you the opportunity to deliver your marketing message with the full complement of multimedia tools. Websites can stimulate all the senses, sight, sound, and interactive touch in order to communicate and connect with your audience. Websites are not brochures. Visitors shouldn't just see your website, they should experience it. Is your website an experience?9. Does your website have a distinctive look?The notion of the flaming animated logo has become a cliché for bad design and style over substance, but that does not mean your website should be aesthetically boring and visually dreary. Your site should display clarity of vision; it should provide functional page layout; its use of colors, type, and static and kinetic visuals should be distinctive and purposeful. Your website should provide a defining "Look" that enhances your business personality. Does your website display a distinctive look that represents your business personality?10. Do you list appropriate contact information on your website?I remember going to a meeting with a client who was in the construction business. The Vice President of the company was hopping mad. He demanded his email address be taken off the site immediately. He wasn't going to waste any more time dealing with client emails and inquiries. Websites are all about connecting you to your clients, not hiding from them. If you think you can put your website on autopilot and that a FAQ and Q&A are going to cut-it, you better think again. Does your website have adequate contact information? Do you list appropriate email addresses and phone numbers for the people responsible for various aspects of your business?There you have it. Ten questions that when answered honestly will tell you whether or not you have a website that works and whether or not you need to rebuild.
By: Jerry Bader -
By: Jerry Bader -
Verizon Net Book Review
After a few weeks of searching, reading reviews, looking at specs, stats, performance, dimensions and everything else down to the available colors and of course, price, I have found (and purchased) the best notebook on the market for the money.First of all, the Verizon Mini is only $199 if you sign a 2 year service contract for:$39.99 monthly access for 250 MB monthly allowance and 10 cents per megabyte overage, for those that:* Need a mobile connection 7-8 hours a month(a month ? I need that a day !)* Send or receive email with small or no attachments* Light Web Browsing* Download or upload small files* Download a song or two once in a while (?)or$59.99 monthly access with a 5 GB monthly allowance and 5 cents per megabyte overage, for those that:* Need a frequent mobile connection* Send or receive email with large attachments* Download or upload large files such as photos* Need frequent access to Web sites* Download music occasionallyWithout the 2 year agreement, the notebook costs $599 !However, without the 2 year agreement, you then have the option of purchasing a day pass for those who:* Want the flexibility of using Mobile Broadband without a long-term commitment* Only need broadband data access once in a while* Cost is $15 a day (per 24 hr period) How many of those do you think you'll rack up in a year ? Just 5 days a month is $75 !They don't offer an unlimited monthly plan for mobile broadband, you get an "allowance", and there are overage charges if you go above your monthly "allowance"...not a good deal for the average to heavy user, or even the casual one that doesn't want to ration their internet time.Verizon's Netbook and 3G Network Lacks Freedom and Versatility Competitors Already Launching Worldwide 4G WIMAXSecond: The Verizon notebook boasts 3G access on the Verizon network. The problem with that is.... Verizon is trailing behind other companies like Sprint, Clear and many others who are already rolling out their 4G networks worldwide, otherwise known as WIMAX (which stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) which offers higher speeds and wider coverage areas.Third: The product description plainly states that the notebook can only be used with a compatible service plan, kind of like how some mobile phones can only be used on the network that you purchased them for....so this laptop will only work (access the internet) if I have a Verizon service plan ?Is There a Better Alternative ? I really want a mini notebook but as always, this was a little too good to be true. What do I do now ?After a few weeks of searching, reading reviews, looking at specs, stats, performance, dimensions and everything else down to the available colors and of course, price, I have found (and purchased) the best notebook on the market for the money.Acer, the company that owns Gateway, Packard-Bell, and E-machines is in control of the mini notebook market and Verizon's latest notebook offering pales in comparison to the Acer Aspire One 11.6 inch Notebook.I already own 3 wide screen monitors from Acer, so I was already familiar with their quality.Having read many reviews (0ver 300) of the smaller model (Aspire One 10.1), I opted to go for the new version the Acer Aspire One 11.6 Notebook.Compare The Two and Decide For Yourself The Acer Aspire is Loaded with Extras and FunctionailityThe Verizon HP Mini* 10.1 inch Display 1024 x 576-pixel resolution* Operates on Verizon Wireless Mobile 3G Mobile Broadband network with typical download speeds ranging from 600 Kbps to 1.4 Mbps* 1.6 GHz Intel Atom N270 processor, 16 GB solid state drive, 1 GB RAM, 54g Wi-Fi LAN (802.11b/g), 10/100 Ethernet, Bluetooth, 3-Cell Lithium-Ion Polymer battery* Chat face to face with the built-in HP Mini Webcam; includes 2 USB ports and SD/MMC card reader* 2 USB 2.0 ports* SD/MMC memory card reader* 1 headphone out/microphone in combo jack* does not come with a VGA monitor output for connecting to an external monitor* Embedded broadband software Cannot be used on another service network.The Acer Aspire One 11.6 Notebook* 11.6 Inch Display LED-backlight widescreen display with 1366 x 768-pixel resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio and 200-nit high brightness* Not locked into any service plan so you are free to use any wireless card or provider you wish including 4G WIMAX for the life of the computer !* 1.3 GHz Intel Atom Z520, 160 GB hard disk drive, 2 GB of RAM (DDR2, 667 MHz, maximum capacity) 54g Wi-Fi (802.11b/g), Fast Ethernet (10/100) ,Up to 4 hours of battery life from 3-cell battery* Crystal Eye webcam supports Acer PrimaLite technology, which consists of a premium sensor, firmware and lenses to provide superior video performance under low-light conditions. A built-in digital microphone helps keep background noise levels low and minimizes echoes.* 3 USB 2.0 Ports* Multi-in-1 memory card reader compatible with MultiMediaCard, Reduced-Size MultiMediaCard, Secure Digital, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO or xD-Picture Card* 1 headphone jack, 1 microphone jack(separate) in addition also has Stereo speakers and optimized Dolby Headphone technology for 5.1-channel audio* Comes with VGA output for connecting an External monitorThe both come with Windows XP installed, but Windows Vista is available on the Acer AspireBecause of size, neither has a CD/DVD drive.The Acer Aspire also has:* Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 500* Multi-gesture touchpad supporting circular-motion scrolling, pinch-action zoom, page flip* It has a FULL SIZED keyboard..the Verizon Mini does not !* Windows Vista and Blue Tooth integration is Available on Certain Models, as well as a 6 cell battery for up to 8 hours reserve power.* Also Wimax (4G) drivers are readily available for your Aspire One for free on the Acer Support site.Acer 11.6 LCD, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD Just one of the Optional Configurations of the Acer Aspire OneFrom homework to home office, your home PC needs are covered with the Acer 11.6" LCD 250GB HDD White Laptop with Webcam. A powerful 2GB of RAM lets you multi-task with a number of open...Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price.powered by YoutubeOK, Sounds Good ! Where Can I get One ? I found the Aspire One 11.6 inch Netbook on Amazon for $329,There is also the Acer Aspire One 10.1 for $319And the Acer Aspire One 8.9 Netbook for $309All have 160 GB Hard Drive and 1 GB RAM or more with varying battery options from 3-6 cell. (3-8 Hours of battery life)Compared to $599 for the Verizon notebook (without a 2 year contract) with less memory, a smaller screen, less resolution, or $199 with a 2 year service contract but it only works on the Verizon Network.Or the Verizon Dell mini (also with 10" display) that starts at $399 ! (service contract still required).Some of the Aspire models are Blue Tooth ready. The model that I purchased ($329) was not, which I rectified with a $19 Blue Tooth USB adapter ( I've seen them as low as $3.00, and if you buy a Blue tooth mouse anyway, you already get the adapter), so that I don't need tie up the USB ports with peripherals, which also makes my little Acer Notebook Wifi, WIMAX, and Bluetooth network ready.I Purchased the Acer Aspire One 11.6 " Netbook I got the Blue Sapphire One and Couldn't be Happier with it !I have had my Aspire One AO751h for about 2 weeks now (I got the Sapphire Blue) and I couldn't be happier and I have already road tested it at the local coffee shops and various other places around town and have gotten rave reviews from total strangers ( who always ask, "Is that the Verizon one ? I was thinking bout getting one of those.") which inevitably ends up with me discussing the differences between the two while people lean over my shoulder like I just purchased a new puppy, or are showing off pictures of the kids to the relatives.Being a Sprint customer, I already had a Sprint Broadband USB card ($49.99 unlimited by the way), but I am free to use what ever I wish for the life of the Notebook, it is not pre-installed with anything that will lock me into a contract.Comparing the two, I just think that the Verizon HP, or Verizon Dell notebooks are a good deal. They look great when you see them on T.V., but upon further investigation, they aren't stocked nearly as well as the Acers, nor do they offer the freedom. It's one thing to have a phone that is tied to a network, but the last thing I wanted was a computer tied to one.In my opinion, you can certainly do much better than the Verizon model and I am very happy with the Acer Aspire Series.
By: H. Mansfield
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
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International Business
Introduction Whenever businesses are looking beyond their borders to establish themselves, there are a number of factors that make certain countries more lucrative than others. At no single time in history have businesses been more interested in investing outside their borders; consequently, it is essential to look for alternatives that would work for the company rather than against it. The paper shall look at the possibility of investing in a developing country from the eyes of a Company operating in a developed nation. Some guidelines will be given on what to look for in developing countries and recommendations given on whether to proceed with the venture or not.
Penny Stock Screener - 5 Advantages Of Using How To Start And Run A Profitable Bouncy Castle / Play Inflatable Rental BusinessThis Tool
Introduction. Renting out bouncy castles and other play inflatables is a great home business to be in either full time or part time, and the profits can be high, as well as the fun element! You own the business and all the equipment, there’s no need to pay any franchising fees or licencing rights. For example, operating just three bouncy castles part-time at weekends, at £55 ($US88) per day per bouncer will bring in £330 ($528) per weekend, or over £1,300 $US2,080) per month. Assuming expenses of around £300 ($US480) per month, this leaves over £1,000 ($US1,600) profit! Not bad for just a few hours work!
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Penny Stock Screener - 5 Advantages Of Using This Tool
Trading penny stocks has now become a common happening. Numerous investors are willing to cope with the high risk involved. Even though penny stocks are risky instruments, they are profitable as well. A trader should be equipped with knowledge and tools to avoid risks. Trading penny stocks is not very different from trading the usual stocks. The main difference between the two types of stocks is their worth. Penny stocks are valued exactly at $5 or below. A Penny stock screener is a type of the tool used to prevent traders from buying wrong stock options. They are more like research tools. They enable a trader to choose stocks within a set of criteria before he or she can invest. Choosing the levels to include in the criterion can be a daunting task. It is possible to select companies that tend to do great in some areas and poorly in some areas. It goes without saying that the stocks’ value of such companies would be affected in one-way or the other. Although issues beyond its control could affect a company’s growth, its strong financial base can prevent it from collapsing. As an investor, always consider a company’s financial strength before buying its penny stocks. A typical penny stock screener provides the following benefits to potential traders:1) Abundant and quick research: penny stock screeners can research a given type of a penny stock within a few minutes and return comprehensive information. It is up to the trader to evaluate the information. If the stock seems profitable then he or she could buy it. Alternatively, a trader could just leave it alone. This type of a tool saves time an investor would otherwise use when researching.
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Entrepreneurs In An Age Of Globalization
What are the advantages of entrepreneurship?There are many advantages of entrepreneurship.Some of the advantages of entrepreneurship are as followsIt can get the entrepreneur a large some of monetary gain.It helps a lot in the growth of economy.It creates self employment.Like this there are plenty of advantages of entrepreneurship.What is an Entrepreneur?Entrepreneurs can also be known as the owners of a company who takes care of all the areas of risk and profits in the company. He is concerned with all financial activities of the company.What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?There are special characteristics which makes an entrepreneur successful.Some of them are mentioned below:-1- For being a successful entrepreneur he must work for long and give his maximum time to the company. For that he should be healthy enough.2- He should learn to accept challenges .He should not give up if he has met with failure.The attitude of ‘try again till you succeed’ should be in him.3- He should be a real competitor. He should have the courage of setting high targets of his own and should have the capability to achieve it.4- He should be a real professional. He should be least bothered with all the personal issues when he is at work.5- Discipline is highly important for the entrepreneurs. He should have a control on all his habits. The skills of time management should be in him.Some benefits of being an Entrepreneur.1- Entrepreneurs have got a great opportunity to contribute to his society. He creates employment for other people which is the best way to serve the society.2- Entrepreneurs become very confident in life as entrepreneurship requires a lot of confidence.3- Entrepreneurs enjoy freedom. They are there own boss. They create tasks for themselves and then work on it the way he wants.Challenges for Upcoming Entrepreneurs• Problems in the establishment: Merely about one half of latest business project stay alive five years and 95% of all business are small, the budding entrepreneurs need to gain knowledge as much as feasible to certainly bang the victory rate for business. • Administration Problems: In the commencement of budding entrepreneur’s business, about the quarter of the entrepreneurs declared that their troubles were diverse and focused on themselves(calculating their own time, setting targets and monitoring presentation),their employees (finding/preserving experienced employees)and accessing useful information(getting useful business information). Some of the Leading Entrepreneurs1- Gates, William H - Microsoft2- Ellison, Lawrence - Oracle3-Allen, Paul - Microsoft4-Buffet, Warren - stock market5- Moore, Gordan - Intel6- Dell, Michael - Dell Computers7- Kluge, John - Metro mediaColleges teaching about EntrepreneurshipDePaul University, ChicagoFlorida International University, MiamiHarvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Howard University, Washington, D.C.Simmons College, BostonSitting Bull College, Fort Yates, N.D.University of Arizona, TucsonUniversity of Colorado, BoulderUniversity of Texas, AustinUniversity of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.Discussion about the Global ExpansionMike Eskew, the chairman and CEO, UPS says” Globalization is inevitable. Technology, the democracy of information, deregulation, economics, and education are seeing to that.Hideo Sugiura, Honda Motors says” While it is true that a good product knows no national boundaries, there are subtle differences, from country to country and from region to region, in the ways product is used and what customers expect of it.Todd g Szalkowski, Ernst & Young LLP says” The overseas markets are recognized as an essential consideration in today’s venture’s growth strategies as global economies represent new market opportunitiesGovernment support for upcoming entrepreneursTNUFA: This is a support offered by the government for the upcoming entrepreneurs for the starting phase of converting their ideas into reality. This is a fund which will help in getting patents etc.Heznek Program This is a program started by the government it gives an option to the entrepreneurs to purchase the government shares in the upcoming company at the lowest price.Entrepreneurship as a global activityEntrepreneurship is getting global day by day. AS a result the competition between the entrepreneurs is getting increased rapidly. It becomes a challenge for the entrepreneurs to make their presence in the competitive market. They have to make business strategies which can become successful all over the world Do you want your company to work globally?It is a great thought of taking the company globally as it offers lots of opportunities for growth and development as without growth their cannot be any future.Some of the advantages of making a company global are:Just producing one product you can sell plenty of it by searching new markets and can earn a lot from it.You don’t have to depend upon any particular market as you are dealing globally.You would get the opportunity to compete with other foreign markets and you can create your place.What should entrepreneurs do before launching their company globally?1- All the employees of the company should be the member of the international company.2- Before doing such an activity you should plan a lot about the objective of globalization, about the rules, policies and procedures etc.3- You should plan well in advance about your investment.4- Before taking your product globally you need examine it carefully as now the product will available globally in market 5- Search for the customers all across the country before launching the product so as to minimize the amount of risk involved in loss.6- You need to select the method that how you are going to globalize? The method could be direct or indirect.7- Before landing globally you should plan about the price of the product. Keeping that the price should be globally acceptable.8- Take care of the International customer even after sale of the product. This will help you in creating your goodwill around the world.Future for EntrepreneursThe future would be bright for all the entrepreneurs because of the globalization.The entrepreneurs would have more opportunities to deal upfront and make their presence globally. They would enjoy all the facilities in International market.
By: Kevin 888
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
EntrepreneurshipPlease Rate this Article
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By: Kevin 888
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EntrepreneurshipPlease Rate this Article
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5 Reasons Why You Need 4g Internet
1. Fourth Generation Internet offers citywide portability! Imagine never having to ask to use a friend’s Internet ever again. Indeed, you will be able to surf the Internet and download huge files from any location around the city. You get a completely portable system, like 3G hardware, but with the performance of a hardwired DSL system.2. 4G has a much stronger signal, unlike wireless Internet.Thanks to a 4G Wimax network that keeps you constantly connected, you will rarely if ever lose a signal. This is regardless of where you are standing or how much you are moving the computer around. If you have ever been frustrated because of wireless Internet DSL, and its constant time-outs, then you will find 4th G a very refreshing choice.3. Fourth Generation Internet is not only for PCs or cell phones.While this superior broadband service does work with portable PCs, desktop PCs and cell phones, it is not limited to those systems. This technology can also be used for multimedia players, radios, video game consoles, portable TVs, car TVs, GPS systems, digital cameras, and a host of other products. This means that you will always have the newest updates for your electronic gadgets ready to go on start up.4. 4G wireless Internet offers independence.Be honest—part of you hates using another person’s Internet service. You don’t like having to ask permission to check your email on a friend’s computer, nor do you like having to use the work computer for your own personal surfing. (Oh yes, they are tracking you and they enjoy it!) With completely mobile Internet, you get full independence over your Internet-ready computer, as long as you stay within the city. At last, your business stays your business.5. With 4th Gen technology, you can finally say no to the phone company and or cable company.In years past, you had no choice but to work with the telephone company or the cable company, since you couldn’t very well survive without an Internet connection. It didn’t matter how difficult the company was to get along with, or what pathetic service your provider offered. Telephone companies and cable companies have a sneaky way of cornering the market in local areas. Without their Internet, you would have no Internet. (Or at least a lousy dial up service) With 4G technology, at last, you get a third option. You can discontinue your service with the local phone company or a cable provider. How long have you been waiting to say, “No thank you!” (or something worse) to your current DSL/cable provider? Now is your chance!
By: Laura Williamson
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Clear 4G Wireless Internet provides simple and affordable plans for home internet, mobile internet and VoIP. Clear goes where you want to go. Please Rate this Article
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By: Laura Williamson
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Clear 4G Wireless Internet provides simple and affordable plans for home internet, mobile internet and VoIP. Clear goes where you want to go. Please Rate this Article
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5 Communication Tips For A Company In Crisis
Still, that company was prevented from attracting capital or strategic partners while the government prosecuted the investor in the company and David G. Kinney became the subject of unwarranted slander and libel. The company fell prey to a self-serving attorney but money, time, and David G. Kinney’s reputation could have been saved had a better communication strategy been implemented with employees and other stakeholders.
When the crisis occurred, David G. Kinney’s focus was on being truthful and forthright. He didn’t realize the state of mind of employees about to lose their jobs. The old saying is true: “In the absence of information, people make up their own.” While it can be very difficult to satisfy all employees, a strategic communication plan keeps employees well informed and minimizes rumors and hearsay.
Here are five tips David G. Kinney recommends to help prevent a communication crisis:
Plan Ahead: It is critical to create organizational structure, processes, and procedures before a crisis hits. “I start by asking every client the three most important words in business: ‘What’s the goal?’” says David G. Kinney. “I transform the goal into a corporate vision and focus on effectively communicating that vision throughout the organization. Beyond the corporate vision, we need to develop, implement, and continuously improve a comprehensive crisis communication plan. Things go wrong. It’s just a fact of life. The key is preparation.”
Maintain Dialogue: David G. Kinney teaches his clients to maintain open and honest dialogue with all employees and other stakeholders about company goals, operations, and challenges. “When employees are regularly informed of a company’s goals, they will be used to hearing both positive and negative company news, which will improve the communication process and create a sense of unity should disaster strike,” said David G. Kinney.
Stay Engaged: Internal crisis communication should take place before external communications with media and other sources. “We immediately held a meeting and told the entire company about a crisis that had completely caught us off guard,” said David G. Kinney. “As bad as it was, over half the employees came to work knowing we couldn’t pay them to help us save the company. Unfortunately, it was too late. Rumors within the company spread like wildfire.” Again, perception is reality. Faster, more strategic and contained communications with employees is integral to successfully responding to a crisis from an internal perspective.
Avoid Uncertainty: Employees need to be frequently updated on the ever-changing events during a crisis. This builds trust and morale, and enables employees to provide feedback as well. “Although my communication strategy addressed employees’ questions and concerns on a regular basis, and my goal was to foster a culture of complete transparency, I realize now that I needed to better control the communications of employees who had their own agenda,” said David G. Kinney.
Maintain Consistency: Another important aspect of communication in a crisis is to have one spokesperson to relay information to both insiders and outsiders. “Consistent communication from one person builds trust and shows there is nothing to hide,” said David G. Kinney. “Stay on message, remain consistent in all communication, and respond quickly to negative press.”
David G. Kinney teaches his clients how to be more proactive, how to develop a sound plan, and how to successfully manage any crisis. Since secrets—or perceived secrets—breed misinformation, David G. Kinney believes in forthright communication, both in good times and in crisis, to all stakeholders. Whether on a large or small scale, crises will happen. How an organization responds to a crisis by maintaining strategic communications every step of the way can put the company back on track.
When the crisis occurred, David G. Kinney’s focus was on being truthful and forthright. He didn’t realize the state of mind of employees about to lose their jobs. The old saying is true: “In the absence of information, people make up their own.” While it can be very difficult to satisfy all employees, a strategic communication plan keeps employees well informed and minimizes rumors and hearsay.
Here are five tips David G. Kinney recommends to help prevent a communication crisis:
Plan Ahead: It is critical to create organizational structure, processes, and procedures before a crisis hits. “I start by asking every client the three most important words in business: ‘What’s the goal?’” says David G. Kinney. “I transform the goal into a corporate vision and focus on effectively communicating that vision throughout the organization. Beyond the corporate vision, we need to develop, implement, and continuously improve a comprehensive crisis communication plan. Things go wrong. It’s just a fact of life. The key is preparation.”
Maintain Dialogue: David G. Kinney teaches his clients to maintain open and honest dialogue with all employees and other stakeholders about company goals, operations, and challenges. “When employees are regularly informed of a company’s goals, they will be used to hearing both positive and negative company news, which will improve the communication process and create a sense of unity should disaster strike,” said David G. Kinney.
Stay Engaged: Internal crisis communication should take place before external communications with media and other sources. “We immediately held a meeting and told the entire company about a crisis that had completely caught us off guard,” said David G. Kinney. “As bad as it was, over half the employees came to work knowing we couldn’t pay them to help us save the company. Unfortunately, it was too late. Rumors within the company spread like wildfire.” Again, perception is reality. Faster, more strategic and contained communications with employees is integral to successfully responding to a crisis from an internal perspective.
Avoid Uncertainty: Employees need to be frequently updated on the ever-changing events during a crisis. This builds trust and morale, and enables employees to provide feedback as well. “Although my communication strategy addressed employees’ questions and concerns on a regular basis, and my goal was to foster a culture of complete transparency, I realize now that I needed to better control the communications of employees who had their own agenda,” said David G. Kinney.
Maintain Consistency: Another important aspect of communication in a crisis is to have one spokesperson to relay information to both insiders and outsiders. “Consistent communication from one person builds trust and shows there is nothing to hide,” said David G. Kinney. “Stay on message, remain consistent in all communication, and respond quickly to negative press.”
David G. Kinney teaches his clients how to be more proactive, how to develop a sound plan, and how to successfully manage any crisis. Since secrets—or perceived secrets—breed misinformation, David G. Kinney believes in forthright communication, both in good times and in crisis, to all stakeholders. Whether on a large or small scale, crises will happen. How an organization responds to a crisis by maintaining strategic communications every step of the way can put the company back on track.
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